Another day for our riders and with smiles on there faces and all looking ready to go this time all leaving not far from a small village called Callington. The route look at maps and on the GPS was going to be very hilly for the first 40 miles it worked out that they were doing the same distance in height as they had done the whole distance on the previous day but also becoming not to bad after that but still hilly in parts. We moved through Exeter were at one point the cyclist had to close up because of traffic but once through they headed onwards towards Dartmoor National Park. Our lead vehicle which is controlled by SSgt Jim Callaghan set off, whilst heading through Dartmoor and trying to avoid the crazy sheep lying in the middle of the road and refusing to move out of the way he decided to stop for a famous Cornish pasty but as pointed out by the the roadside cafe he had failed to notice he was in Devon and not Cornwall (maybe next time Jim) The riders then pressed through the Mist and made there way to our next over night spot the TA Centre in Bristol. With sore legs and bums lets hope tomorrows cycle is a lot more flat.
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